Many college students go into debt before they ever see a paycheck, then spend years toiling away to pay back student loans. The same can be said for truck driving graduates. Why isn’t there a system to reward training instead of punishing it? Well, at TransAm Trucking, we DO believe in rewarding our drivers for their hard work. This is why TransAm offers a tuition reimbursement program to our student drivers.
At TransAm, our drivers are our most valuable assets. We believe in helping our drivers succeed which is why we invest in our drivers and help repay truck driving school loans. TransAm Trucking hires truck driving school graduates from across the country. After getting into their own trucks, our student drivers will be reimbursed $125 per month up to $6,000. It’s our way of thanking our drivers for their service.
Life can be hard but at TransAm we try to make it a little easier. We believe are doing that through our tuition reimbursement program. At TransAm, our focus is to make our drivers’ lives more livable.